I Made Another Blog


I just spent way too long making the little image for the home page on this post in figma. It was honestly a real pain in the ass. Overall super happy with the look though.

This blog inspiration was created from how I was just wanting to get something new out there, and also have it very easy to have something to write to.

From here I plan to create a seperate landing page that will link to this blog, and also create a seperate consulting business webpage.

This was a lot of work! Learning how to get Jekyll going with github pages was just a lot, but now we finally have that down. Hopefully there's not much more to learn, but we'll see.

Lessons Learned

Remembering my last blog website, I made that site way too technical, and over thought way too many parts. Thus this time around, we're going to keep this site as close to markdown as possible. Along with seperating the different parts into business, landing, blog, and personal application areas in github pages. I pray I stay engaged, we'll see.

How it's made

Using Jekyll, and github pages, was able to easily make this blog up. Had to search for this template, and remove out a lot of different parts, there still can be some more styling to go.

Also had to make the blog image in figma, and that was way out of my wheel house, but definitely learned of some quick ways to get things going.

The name of the blog "Perfect Syntax" was from a 4chan post, where a guy was saying "Now this is perfect syntax" and was pointing to something in python. Very meme worthy.

Moving forward

I don't wanna add anything technical to this site, I really wanna keep it as simple as possible to add more blog content, so don't do it if you're thinking about it Dillon. All the best!


Houston, TX United States of America